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Obel MI. You'll Only Have This Much Social Security Left After Paying Medical Bills in Retirement.
Olson JA. Who Is 62 Enough ? Identifying Respondents Eligible for Social Security Early Retirement Benefits in the Health and Retirement Study. Social Security Bulletin. 1999;62(3):51-56.
Olson JA. Linkages with Data from Social Security Administrative Records in the Health And Retirement Study. Social Security Bulletin. 1999;62(2):73-85.
Orszag PR. Should a Lump-Sum Payment Replace Social Security's Delayed Retirement Credit?. Boston: Boston College; 2001. doi:
Ostermann J, Sloan FA. Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Disability Among the Near Elderly: A Longitudinal Analysis. The Milbank Quarterly. 2001;79(4):487-515.
Ostermann J, Sloan FA. The effect of heavy drinking on social security old-age and survivors insurance contributions and benefits. Milbank Q. 2004;82(3):507-46, table of contents. doi:10.1111/j.0887-378X.2004.00320.x.
Ozawa MN, Hong B-E. Postretirement earnings relative to preretirement earnings: gender and racial differences. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2006;47(3-4):63-82. doi:10.1300/J083v47n03_05.