HRS Bibliography

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United States Congressional Office. Baby Boomers' Retirement Prospects: An Overview. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Budget Office; 2003.
Gustman AL, Steinmeier TL. Behavioral Effects of Social Security Policies on Benefit Claiming, Retirement and Saving. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Retirement and Disability Research Center, University of Michigan; 2012.
Levine PB, Mitchell OS, Phillips JWR. A Benefit of One's Own: Older Women's Entitlement to Social Security Retirement. Social Security Bulletin. 2000;63(3):47-53.
Lee S, Tan KTK. Bequest Motives and the Social Security Notch. Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group; 2019.
Ekerdt DJ. Born to retire: the foreshortened life course. Gerontologist. 2004;44(1):3-9. doi:10.1093/geront/44.1.3.
Bradley CJ, Bednarek H, Neumark D. Breast Cancer Survival, Work, and Earnings. Cambridge, MA: The National Bureau of Economic Research; 2001. doi:10.3386/w8134.
Bradley CJ, Bednarek H, Neumark D. Breast cancer survival, work, and earnings. J Health Econ. 2002;21(5):757-79. doi:10.1016/s0167-6296(02)00059-0.
Sullivan LAnne. A Bumpy Road: Asset Accumulation, Unexpected Life Course Events, and Later Life Economic Security. 2013;3562811:198.