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Mitchell OS, Phillips JWR. Social Security Replacement Rates for Alternative Earnings Benchmarks. Benefits Quarterly. 2006;22(4):37.
Mitchell OS. Public and Private Challenges of an Aging U.S. Population. Business Economics. 2016;51(1):8 - 10. doi:10.1057/be.2016.6.
Moore J, Mitchell OS. Projected Retirement Wealth and Savings Adequacy in the Health and Retirement Study. National Bureau of Economic Research; 1997. doi:10.3386/w6240.
Moulton JG, Stevens AH. Reconsidering the social security notch and retirement: Wealth and incentive effects. Economics Letters. 2015;132:65-68. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2015.04.016.
Moulton JG. Cohort Based Analysis of Income Shocks Over the Life Cycle. 2011;Ph.D.:141.
Mukherjee A. Intergenerational Altruism and Retirement Transfers: Evidence from the Social Security Notch. The Journal of Human Resources. 2020. doi:10.3368/jhr.58.1.0419-10140R3.
Munnell AH, Golub-Sass A, Karamcheva NS. Strange But True: Claim Social Security Now, Claim More Later. Center for Retirement Research at Boston College; 2009.
Munnell AH, Sass SA, Golub-Sass A, Karamcheva NS. Unusual Social Security Claiming Strategies: Costs and Distributional Effects. Center for Retirement Research at Boston College; 2009.
Munnell AH, Golub-Sass A, Karamcheva NS. Strange But True: Free Loan from Social Security. Center for Retirement Research at Boston College; 2009.
Munnell AH, Soto M. Why Do Women Claim Social Security Benefits So Early?. Boston College, Center for Retirement Research; 2005.
Munnell AH. Yes, it's true: Older people depend on Social Security. Marketwatch.
Munnell AH, Soto M. How Much Pre-Retirement Income Does Social Security Replace?. Boston: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College; 2005.
Munnell AH, Meme KB, Jivan NA, Cahill KE. Should We Raise Social Security's Earliest Eligibility Age?. Boston: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College; 2004.
Munnell AH. What Factors Explain the Decline in Widows' Poverty? . Boston, MA: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College; 2018:2-21.
Munnell AH, Golub-Sass A, Karamcheva NS. Strange But True: Claim and Suspend Social Security. Boston: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College; 2009.


Obel MI. You'll Only Have This Much Social Security Left After Paying Medical Bills in Retirement.
Olson JA. Linkages with Data from Social Security Administrative Records in the Health And Retirement Study. Social Security Bulletin. 1999;62(2):73-85.
Olson JA. Who Is 62 Enough ? Identifying Respondents Eligible for Social Security Early Retirement Benefits in the Health and Retirement Study. Social Security Bulletin. 1999;62(3):51-56.
Orszag PR. Should a Lump-Sum Payment Replace Social Security's Delayed Retirement Credit?. Boston: Boston College; 2001. doi:
Ostermann J, Sloan FA. Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Disability Among the Near Elderly: A Longitudinal Analysis. The Milbank Quarterly. 2001;79(4):487-515.
Ostermann J, Sloan FA. The effect of heavy drinking on social security old-age and survivors insurance contributions and benefits. Milbank Q. 2004;82(3):507-46, table of contents. doi:10.1111/j.0887-378X.2004.00320.x.
Ozawa MN, Hong B-E. Postretirement earnings relative to preretirement earnings: gender and racial differences. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2006;47(3-4):63-82. doi:10.1300/J083v47n03_05.