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Journal Article

Ayalon L, Palgi Y, Avidor S, Bodner E. Accelerated increase and decrease in subjective age as a function of changes in loneliness and objective social indicators over a four-year period: results from the health and retirement study. Aging Ment Health. 2016;20(7):743-51. doi:10.1080/13607863.2015.1035696.
Bodner E, Ayalon L, Avidor S, Palgi Y. Accelerated increase and relative decrease in subjective age and changes in attitudes toward own aging over a 4-year period: results from the Health and Retirement Study. European Journal of Ageing. 2017;14(1):17-27. doi:10.1007/s10433-016-0383-2.
Stolz E, Mayerl H, Hoogendijk EO, Armstrong JJ, Roller-Wirnsberger R, Freidl W. Acceleration of health deficit accumulation in late-life: Evidence of terminal decline in frailty index three years before death in the US Health and Retirement Study. Annals of Epidemiology. 2021;58:156-161. doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2021.03.008.
Hlávka JP, Tysinger B, Yu JC, Lakdawalla DN. Access to Disease-Modifying Alzheimer's Therapies: Addressing Possible Challenges Using Innovative Payment Models. Value in Health. Forthcoming. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2022.06.003.
Stephens C, Spicer J, Budge C, Stevenson B, Alpass FM. Accounting for differences in cognitive health between older adults in New Zealand and the USA. International Psychogeriatrics. 2015. doi:10.1017/S1041610214002579.
Tan YV, Flannagan CAC, Pool LR, Elliott MR. Accounting for selection bias due to death in estimating the effect of wealth shock on cognition for the Health and Retirement Study. Statistics in Medicine. 2021;40(11):2613-2625. doi:10.1002/sim.8921.
Rupp K, Dushi I. Accounting for the process of disablement and longitudinal outcomes among the near elderly and elderly. Research on Aging. 2017;39(1):190 - 221. doi:10.1177/0164027516656141.
Festa N, Shi SM, Kim DHyun. Accuracy of diagnosis and health service codes in identifying frailty in Medicare data. BMC Geriatrics. 2020;20(1):329. doi:
Taylor, Jr. DH, Østbye T, Langa KM, Weir DR, Plassman BL. The accuracy of Medicare claims as an epidemiological tool: the case of dementia revisited. J Alzheimers Dis. 2009;17(4):807-15. doi:10.3233/JAD-2009-1099.
Haurin D, Moulton S, Shi W. The Accuracy of Senior Households’ Estimates of Home Values: Application to the Reverse Mortgage Decision. Real Estate Economics. 2018;46(3):655 - 697.
Gonzales E, Gordon S, Whetung C, Connaught G, Collazo J, Hinton J. Acknowledging Systemic Discrimination in the Context of a Pandemic: Advancing an Anti-Racist and Anti-Ageist Movement. Journal of Gerontological Social Work. 2021;64(3):223-237. doi:10.1080/01634372.2020.1870604.
Grinshteyn EG, Sugar JA. Active Aging through Volunteerism: A Longitudinal Assessment of Perceived Neighborhood Safety as a Predictor among Older Adults, 2008-2018. BioMed Research International. 2021;2021:5185264. doi:
Story KM, Yang Z, Bravata DM. Active and receptive arts participation and their association with mortality among adults in the United States: a longitudinal cohort study. Public Health. 2021;196:211-216. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2021.05.034.
Beier ME, W. Torres J, Gilberto JM. Activities Matter: Personality and Resource Determinants of Activities and their Effect on Mental and Physical Well-being and Retirement Expectations. Work, Aging and Retirement. 2018;4(1):67-78. doi:10.1093/workar/waw034.
Bozo O, Guarnaccia CA. Activities of daily living, social support, and future health of older Americans. J Psychol. 2010;144(1):1-14. doi:10.1080/00223980903356032.
Queen TL, Butner J, Berg CA, Smith J. Activity engagement among older adult spousal caregivers. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B. 2019;74(7):1278–1282. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbx106.
Newton NJ, Pladevall-Guyer J, Gonzalez R, Smith J. Activity Engagement and Activity-Related Experiences: The Role of Personality. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2018;73(8):1480-1490. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbw098.
Han SHwang, Kim K, Burr JA. Activity Limitations and Depressive Symptoms Among Older Couples: The Moderating Role of Spousal Care. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B . 2021;76(2):360-369. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbz161.
Sherman DS, Lindstrom D. Activity Participation and Life Satisfaction of Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2022;76(Supplement_1):7610510170p1-7610510170p1. doi:10.5014/ajot.2022.76S1-PO170.
Chen Y-C, Putnam M, Lee YSoo, Morrow-Howell N. Activity Patterns and Health Outcomes in Later Life: The Role of Nature of Engagement. The Gerontologist. 2018;59:698-708. doi:10.1093/geront/gny023.PDF icon gny023.pdf (663.63 KB)
Bradley DE, Longino CF, Stoller EP, Haas WH. Actuation of mobility intentions among the young-old: an event-history analysis. Gerontologist. 2008;48(2):190-202. doi:10.1093/geront/48.2.190.
Levine DA, Langa KM, Rogers MAM. Acute infection contributes to racial disparities in stroke mortality. Neurology. 2014;82(11):914-21. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000000214.
Baji P, Biró A. Adaptation or recovery after health shocks? Evidence using subjective and objective health measures. Health Economics. 2018;27(5):850-864. doi:10.1002/hec.3644.
Wu S. Adapting to Heart Conditions: A Test of the Hedonic Treadmill. Journal of Health Economics. 2001;20(4):495-508.
Cagnone S, Bartolucci F. Adaptive Quadrature for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Class of Dynamic Latent Variable Models. Computational Economics. 2017;49(4):599 - 622. doi:10.1007/s10614-016-9573-4.