HRS Bibliography

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Harris ALenae. Studies on the Relationship Between the Elderly and Public Policies. 2000.
Merrill A. Subjective Expectations of Nursing Home Use, Medicaid, and Economic Behavior by Older Americans. 2000.
McGarry K. Testing Parental Altruism: Implications of a Dynamic Model. NBER; 2000.
Adams SJ. Three essays on the economics of aging. 2000.
Coy P. To Save or Not To Save. Business Week. 2000:34.
Johnson RW, LoSasso AT. The Trade-Off Between Hours of Paid Employment and Time Assistance to Elderly Parents at Midlife. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute; 2000.
Kunde D. The trend is to retire gradually. Ottawa Citizen. 2000:E4.
Okrent D. Twilight of The Boomers. Time Magazine. 2000;155(24):Living Section.
Johnson RW, Crystal S. Uninsured status and out-of-pocket costs at midlife. Health Serv Res. 2000;35(5 Pt 1):911-32.
Zipple J. Wealth Illusion: Theory and Effects on Wealth Accumulation of Defined Contribution Pension Participants. 2000.
Manski CF. Why Polls Are Fickle. The New York Times. 2000.
Wheeler L. Widow's poverty tied to length of time since husband's death. USA Today Electronic News. 2000.
Levine PB, Mitchell OS, Moore J. Women on the Verge of Retirement: Predictors of Retiree Well-Being. In: Mitchell OS, Hammond B, Rappaport A, eds. Forecasting Retirement Needs and Retirement Wealth. Forecasting Retirement Needs and Retirement Wealth. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press; 2000:167-207.
Polachek SW. Worker Well-being. Amsterdam: New York and Tokyo; 2000.


Burkhauser RV, Weathers, II RR. Access to wealth among older workers in the 1990s and how it is distributed: Data from the Health and Retirement Study. In: Shapiro TM, Wolfe EN, eds. Assets for the Poor: The Benefits of Spreading Asset Ownership. Assets for the Poor: The Benefits of Spreading Asset Ownership. New York: Russell Sage Press; 2001:74-131.
Scholz JKarl. Achieving Retirement Security or a Loophole Ridden Tax Code? Saving Incentives in the U.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dept. of Economics; 2001.
Wu S. Adapting to Heart Conditions: A Test of the Hedonic Treadmill. Journal of Health Economics. 2001;20(4):495-508.
Freedman VA, Aykan H, Martin LG. Aggregate Changes in Severe Cognitive Impairment Among Older Americans: 1993 and 1998. The Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences. 2001;56B(2):S100-11.
Berry BM. All the Ties that Bind: Race, Ethnicity, and Why Families Support Adult Children. University of Michigan, Population Studies Center; 2001.
Hurd MD, Smith JP. Anticipated and Actual Bequests. In: Wise DA, ed. Themes in the Economics of Aging. Themes in the Economics of Aging. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; 2001.
Sudano JJ, Baker DW. Antihypertensive Medication Use in Hispanic Adults: A comparison with Black adults and White adults. Medical Care. 2001;39(6):575-87.
Uccello CE. Are Americans Saving Enough for Retirement?. Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, Issue Brief No. 7; 2001.
Engen EM, Gale WG, Uccello CE. Are Households Saving Adequately for Retirement? A Progress Report on Three Projects. CRR Conference Paper, Center for Retirement Research at Boston College; 2001.
Sloan FA, Taylor, Jr. DH. Are Smokers Too Optimistic?. In: Grossman M, Hsieh C-R, eds. The Economic Analysis of Substance Use and Abuse: The Experience of Developed Countries and Lessons for Developing Countries. The Economic Analysis of Substance Use and Abuse: The Experience of Developed Countries and Lessons for Developing Countries. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited; 2001:103-33.
Brown JR. Are the Elderly Really Over-Annuitized? New Evidence on Life Insurance and Bequests. In: Wise DA, ed. Themes in the Economics of Aging. Themes in the Economics of Aging. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 2001.