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Journal Article

Kim MHee, Dunkle RE, Lehning AJ, Shen H-W, Feld S, Perone AK. Caregiver stressors and depressive symptoms among older husbands and wives in the United States. J Women Aging. 2017;29(6):494-504. doi:10.1080/08952841.2016.1223962.
Perone AK, Dunkle RE, Feld S, Shen H-W, Kim MHee, Pace GT. Depressive Symptoms among Former Spousal Caregivers: Comparing Stressors, Resources, and Circumstances of Caregiving Cessation among Older Husbands and Wives. JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGICAL SOCIAL WORK. 2019;62:682-700. doi:10.1080/01634372.2019.1647906.
Dunkle RE, Feld S, Lehning AJ, Kim H, Shen H-W, Kim MHee. Does Becoming an ADL Spousal Caregiver Increase the Caregiver's Depressive Symptoms?. Research on Aging. 2014;36(6):655-682. doi:10.1177/0164027513516152.
Feld S, Dunkle RE, Schroepfer T, Shen H. Does Gender Moderate Factors Associated with Whether Spouses Are the Sole Providers of IADL Care to Their Partners?. Res Aging. 2010;32(4):499-526. doi:10.1177/0164027510361461.
Feld S, Dunkle RE, Schroepfer T. Expansion of elderly couples' IADL caregiver networks beyond the marital dyad. Int J Aging Hum Dev. 2006;63(2):95-113. doi:10.2190/CW8G-PB6B-NCGH-HT1M.
Shen H-W, Feld S, Dunkle RE, Schroepfer T, Lehning AJ. The prevalence of older couples with ADL limitations and factors associated with ADL help receipt. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2015;58(2):171-89. doi:10.1080/01634372.2014.944248.
Feld S, Dunkle RE, Schroepfer T. Race/Ethnicity and Marital Status in IADL Caregiver Networks. Research on Aging. 2004;26(5):531-558. doi: