HRS Bibliography

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Hungerford TL. 401(k) Pension plans: Many take advantage of opportunity to ensure adequate retirement income. United States General Accounting Office; 1996.
Zwerling C, Sprince NL, Wallace RB, Davis CS, Whitten PS, Heeringa SG. Alcohol and Occupational Injuries among Older Workers. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 1996;28(3):371-6.
Kreider B, Riphahn RT. Applications to the U.S. Disability Program: A Semiparametric Approach. Center for Economic Policy Research; 1996.
Roush W. A 'Big Science' Survey for the Social Sciences. Science. 1996;273(5271):43.
Honig M. Changes Over Time in Subjective Retirement Probabilities. University of Michigan; 1996.
Dominitz J. A Comparison of Subjective Expectations Elicitation Methods in the HRS, PSID, and SEE. University of Michigan; 1996.
Rodgers WL. Comparisons of Two Sampling Frames for Surveys of the Oldest Old. In: Warnecke RB, ed. Health Survey Research Methods. Vol. DHHS Publication No. (PHS)96-1013. Health Survey Research Methods. Washington, DC: National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Health Service, US Dept. of Health and Human Services; 1996:117-122.
Holden KC, Kuo HH. Complex marital histories and economic well-being: the continuing legacy of divorce and widowhood as the HRS cohort approaches retirement. Gerontologist. 1996;36(3):383-90. doi:10.1093/geront/36.3.383.
Mitchell OS, Olson J, Steinmeier TL. Construction of the Earnings and Benefits File (EBF) for Use With the Health and Retirement Survey. National Bureau of Economic Research; 1996. doi:10.3386/w5707.
Mitchell OS, Olson J, Steinmeier TL. Construction of the Earnings and Benefits File (EBF) for Use with the Health and Retirement Study. University of Pennsylvania; 1996.
Note - An updated and revised version of this paper is available in Forecasting Retirement Needs and Retirement Wealth, Olivia S. Mitchell, P. Brett Hammond and Anna M. Rappaport, eds., Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000. See Chapter 13, "Social Security Earnings and Projected Benefits"
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Soldo BJ. Cross pressures on middle-aged adults: a broader view. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 1996;51(6):S271-3. doi:10.1093/geronb/51b.6.s271.
Swallen KC. Differential Rates of Cardiovascular Disease Among the Immigrant Elderly. American Journal of Epidemiology. 1996;143(11):S50.
Santiago AM, Muschkin CG. Disentangling the effects of disability status and gender on the labor supply of Anglo, black, and Latino older workers. Gerontologist. 1996;36(3):299-310. doi:10.1093/geront/36.3.299.
O'Connor C. Empirical Research on How the Elderly Handle Their Estates. Generations. 1996;20(3):13-20.
Crystal S, Johnson RW. Employer-Provided Health Benefits Among Middle-Aged Americans: Coverage Patterns and Transitions. Washington, DC, Department of Labor, Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration; 1996.
Burkhauser RV, Daly MC. Employment and Economic Well-Being Following the Onset of a Disability: The Role for Public Policy. In: Mashaw J, Reno V, Berkowitz M, Burkhauser RV, eds. Disability, Work, and Cash Benefits. Disability, Work, and Cash Benefits. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research; 1996:153-192.
Kimball MS, Shapiro MD. Estimating a Cardinal Attribute from Ordered Categorical Responses Subject to Noise.; 1996.
Angel RJ, Angel JL. The extent of private and public health insurance coverage among adult Hispanics. Gerontologist. 1996;36(3):332-40. doi:10.1093/geront/36.3.332.
Bures RM. Family, Employment Status, and Residential Mobility in the Health and Retirement Study. University of Michigan; 1996.
Glaser K, Grundy EMD, Henretta JC, Murphy MJ. Family Structure and Intergenerational Transfers: A Comparison of 55-63 Year Olds in the U.S. and Britain. University of Michigan; 1996.
Berry BM, Henretta JC. The Florida AHEAD Respondents: Characteristics of Florida's Elderly Population Aged Seventy and Over. University of Michigan; 1996.
Olson JA. The Health and Retirement Study: The New Retirement Survey. Social Security Bulletin. 1996;59(1):85-88.