HRS Bibliography

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Web Article

Bradford B. Study Finds Mental Decline Is Causing Financial Trouble For Millions Of Seniors.
Bailey D. Study examines hesitancy around buying an annuity.
Grossi G. Study Evaluates Link Between Chronic Stress and Insomnia in Aging Population.
Henderson E. Study estimates the burden of dementia among older adults in the U.S.
Clanton N. Study: Boomers have more medical woes than their parents did at same age.
Anderson P. Stroke, High BP Don't Mediate Pollution's Link to Dementia.
Doheny K. Stressed-Out Mate Bad for Your Weight.
Williams S. Statistically Speaking, This Is the Worst Age to Claim Social Security Benefits.
University PState. Startling News: Chronic Health Conditions Are Far More Common in Recent Generations.
T. Price R. Spenders Vs. Savers: How To Determine Your Retirement Spending Personality.
Leigh S. Solo Seniors with Social Support Are Less Likely to Need Nursing Home Care. News.
National Institute on Aging. Social stress contributes to accelerated aging of the immune system, study finds.
Andrews M. Social Security giveth, medical costs taketh away. Chicago Tribune.
Towhey J. Social isolation linked to higher likelihood of nursing home admission: study.
Dolan E. Social genetic effects: Study suggests your romantic partner’s DNA can influence your own health behaviors.
National Institute on Aging. Social factors may predict mortality risk for older adults.
Nye J. Social Determinants of Health Contribute to Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Depression, Cognition.
Williams S. Should You Take Social Security at Age 62, 65, or 70? A Comprehensive Analysis Offers a Very Clear Answer.
Nielsen L. Shaping the future of behavioral and social research at NIA.
Christensen T. The severity of depressive symptoms over time may help predict stroke risk.
Norris C. Settling Disparities in Care and Getting Back to Treating the Whole Patient.
Livni E. A sense of purpose could prolong your life. Quartz.
Carroll L. Seniors who feel their life has purpose may live longer. Reuters.
Chan A. Self-Employment Linked To Better Heart Health In Women: Study.
Lasek A. Screen for depression to help prevent functional decline in seniors, clinicians urged.