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Mitchell OS, Levine PB, Phillips JWR. The Impact of Pay Inequality, Occupational Segregation, and Lifetime Work Experience on Retirement Income of Women and Minorities.; 1998.
Even W, Macpherson DA. The Impact of Rising 401(k) Pension Coverage on Future Retirement Income. Washington, DC, Department of Labor, Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration; 1998.
Poterba JM, Venti SF, Wise DA. Implications of Rising Personal Retirement Saving. In: Wise DA, ed. Frontiers in the Economics of Aging. Frontiers in the Economics of Aging. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; 1998:125-167.
Lusardi A. On the Importance of the Precautionary Saving Motive. American Economic Review. 1998;88(2):449-53.
Shultz KS, Morton KR, Weckerle JR. The Influence of Push and Pull Factors on Voluntary and Involuntary Early Retirees' Retirement Decision and Adjustment. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 1998;53(1):45-57.
Dunn TA, Phillips JWR. Intergenerational Co-Residence and Children's Incomes. Syracuse University; 1998.
Gaviria A. Intergenerational Mobility, Siblings' Inequality and Borrowing Constraints. University of California, San Diego; 1998.
Mitchell OS. International Models for Pension Reform. University of Pennsylvania; 1998.
Chan S, Stevens AH. Job Loss and Labor Force Dynamics of Older Men. Yale University; 1998.
Blau DM. Labor Force Dynamics of Older Married Couples. Journal of Labor Economics. 1998;Vol. 16(3):595-629. doi:10.1086/209900.
Couch KA. Late Life Job Displacement. The Gerontologist. 1998;38(1):7-17. doi:10.1093/geront/38.1.7.
Sloan FA, Conover CJ. Life transitions and health insurance coverage of the near elderly. Med Care. 1998;36(2):110-25. doi:10.1097/00005650-199802000-00002.
Honig M. Married Women's Retirement Expectations: Do Pensions and Social Security Matter?. American Economic Review. 1998;88(2):202-206.
Quinn JF, Burkhauser RV, Cahill KE, Weathers, II RR. The Microeconomics of the Retirement Decision in the United States.; 1998.
Bures RM. Moving the Nest: A Look at the Effects of Family and Work Status Change in Later Mid-Life. University of Chicago - Population Research Center; 1998.
Lamb VL, Faust K. The Multidimensional Configuration of Functional Disability: Patterning by Age, Sex, Race, and Health Status. University of South Carolina, Dept. of Sociology; 1998.
Zwerling C, Sprince NL, Davis CS, Whitten PS, Wallace RB, Heeringa SG. Occupational injuries among older workers with disabilities: a prospective cohort study of the Health and Retirement Survey, 1992 to 1994. Am J Public Health. 1998;88(11):1691-5. doi:10.2105/ajph.88.11.1691.
Zwerling C, Whitten PS, Davis CS, Sprince NL. Occupational injuries among older workers with visual, auditory, and other impairments. A validation study. J Occup Environ Med. 1998;40(8):720-3. doi:10.1097/00043764-199808000-00010.
Silverstein M, Angelelli JJ. Older Parents' Expectations of Moving Closer to Their Children. The Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences. 1998;53B(3):S153-63.
Pienta AM. Partners in Marriage: An Analysis of Family Effects and the Likelihood of Retirement. Penn State University Population Research Institute; 1998.
Dorsey S, Cornwell C, Macpherson DA. Pensions and Productivity. Kalamazoo MI, W.E. Upjohn Institute; 1998. doi:10.17848/9780585277417.
McGarry K, Davenport A. Pensions and the Distribution of Wealth. In: Wise DA, ed. Frontiers in the Economics of Aging. Frontiers in the Economics of Aging. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; 1998.
Clark DO, Stump TE, Hui SL, Wolinsky FD. Predictors of Mobility and Basic ADL Difficulty Among Adults Aged 70 Years and Older. Journal of Aging and Health. 1998;10(4):422-40.
Clark DO, Stump TE, Wolinsky FD. Predictors of Onset Of and Recovery From Mobility Difficulty Among Adults Aged 51-61 Years. American Journal of Epidemiology. 1998;148(1):63-71.
Gustman AL, Mitchell OS, Steinmeier TL. Privatizing Social Security: First Round Effects of a Generic Voluntary Privatized U.S. Social Security System. In: Feldstein MS, ed. Privatizing Social Security. Privatizing Social Security. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; 1998:313-57.