========================================================================================== Exit Date of Death Note to Users: This codebook is designed to match the distribution dataset. Codebook metadata are derived from the data collection instrument. If you have questions concerning codebook layout or content please bring them to the attention of the HRS staff at hrsquestions@umich.edu. Printing recommendation: Set margins (left/right/top/bottom) to .5 inch; print in portrait orientation using a mono-space 10-point font. ========================================================================================== Section A: EXIT DATE OF DEATH (Respondent) ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 This variable uniquely identifies an original household across waves. ................................................................................. 12907 000001-918761. Household Identifier ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Each respondent has a Person Number. The identifier is unique within an original household across waves. ................................................................................. 8437 010. Person number 193 011. Person number 9 012. Person number 3296 020. Person number 50 021. Person number 445 030. Person number 14 031. Person number 449 040. Person number 14 041. Person number ========================================================================================== FIRSTIW FIRST INTERVIEW: STUDY YEAR Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave designation: This variable includes both exit proxies and core interviews. (Note: This may not match year of interview in tracking file.) ................................................................................. 3796 1992. Wave of First Interview 6675 1993. Wave of First Interview 25 1994. Wave of First Interview 89 1995. Wave of First Interview 73 1996. Wave of First Interview 1624 1998. Wave of First Interview 77 2000. Wave of First Interview 53 2002. Wave of First Interview 253 2004. Wave of First Interview 33 2006. Wave of First Interview 13 2008. Wave of First Interview 176 2010. Wave of First Interview 10 2012. Wave of First Interview 10 9996. Not yet given an interview ========================================================================================== STUDY STUDY MEMBERSHIP Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Study membership is based on the entry cohort of the individual. This will differ from the birth cohort for age-ineligible spouses or partners. ................................................................................. 3999 1. HRS 6851 11. AHEAD, including the AHEAD-AHEAD overlap case 62 12. HRS/AHEAD Overlap case, AHEAD, given to AHEAD after HRS Wave 1 [1992/1993], appeard in AHEAD 13. HRS/AHEAD Overlap case, given to AHEAD after HRS Wave 1 [1992/1993], but never appeared in AHEAD 1240 21. CODA (Children of the Depression Age) 352 31. WB (War Babies) 295 41. EBB (Early Baby Boomers) 108 51. MBB (Mid Baby Boomers) 99. NOT YET COHORT ELIGIBLE ========================================================================================== EXDEATHMO EXIT INTERVIEW MONTH OF DEATH Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month of death according to Respondent Exit or Spouse/Partner Core interview. ................................................................................. 1176 1. January 1107 2. February 1190 3. March 1040 4. April 1009 5. May 959 6. June 1012 7. July 999 8. August 965 9. September 1087 10. October 1064 11. November 1164 12. December 135 97. Month unknown ========================================================================================== EXDEATHDAY EXIT INTERVIEW DAY OF DEATH Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Day of death according to Respondent Exit or Spouse/Partner Core interview. ................................................................................. 12243 1-31. Day of death 664 97. Day unknown ========================================================================================== EXDEATHYR EXIT INTERVIEW YEAR OF DEATH Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year of death according to Respondent Exit or Spouse/Partner Core interview. ................................................................................. 12851 1906-2015. Year of death 56 9997. Year unknown ========================================================================================== EXDODSOURCE INTERVIEW DATA COLLECTED FROM Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Indicates whether data was from a Respondent Exit or Spouse/Partner Core interview. (1 = Exit Interview, 2=Spouse/partner exit interview) ................................................................................. 12850 1. Respondent Exit Interview 57 2. Spouse/Partner Core Interview ========================================================================================== SOURCE DATA COLLECTION WAVE-YEAR Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year in which death information was processed. ................................................................................. 782 1995. Processing Year 241 1996. Processing Year 1259 1998. Processing Year 1353 2000. Processing Year 1510 2002. Processing Year 1228 2004. Processing Year 1310 2006. Processing Year 1333 2008. Processing Year 1449 2010. Processing Year 1189 2012. Processing Year 1253 2014. Processing Year ========================================================================================== VERSION VERSION NUMBER Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Version number of this data set. ................................................................................. 12907 6. February 2017 ==========================================================================================