Richard N. Jones

Richard N. Jones
Co-Investigator, Health and Retirement Study

Contact Information

Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior
Warren Alpert Medical School
Brown University
Butler Hospital
345 Blackstone Boulevard, Box G-BH
Providence, Rhode Island 02906-4800

Phone: 401-444-1943 (Butler)
Email: [email protected]


Sc.D., 1998, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD
B.A., 1991, George Washington University, Washington DC

Research and Projects

Rich Jones is a psychiatric epidemiologist. He is currently Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology at Brown University. His research has been focused on cognitive aging and psychometric and longitudinal data analysis methods. Research topics include measurement development, validation, and harmonization; the detection of subgroup differences and measurement bias; the role of early life and life span experiences and exposures (i.e., cognitive and brain reserve, resilience) in cognitive aging.

Selected Recent Publications